Cookie policy

Identification of the owner of the website

Personality of the person in charge: EUSKAL HERRIKO IKASTOLA EKE (EHI EKE)
IFZ: F-95583233
Postal address: Errotazar bidea 126, 20018 Donostia

This website uses cookies and / or similar technologies to collect and retrieve information when you browse. In general, these technologies can be used for a variety of purposes, such as recognizing you as a user, providing personalized service, or customizing the way you display content. They also provide information about the date and time of the visit, measure traffic parameters within the website, and validate the number of visits. This allows EUSKAL HERRIKO IKASTOLA EKE (EHI EKE) to efficiently process and adjust the services it offers. Cookies are stored on the user's hard drive, but the data on them cannot be read. It is also not possible to read cookie files created by other providers. The specific uses of these technologies are described below:

What are cookies?

Cookies are files that can be downloaded to a computer via web pages. These tools play a key role in providing a wide range of information society services. Among other things, they allow a website to collect and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their computer, and, based on the information obtained, can be used to get to know the user and improve the service provided.

Different types of cookies

There are two types of cookies, depending on the organization that manages the equipment or domain used to send the cookies and process the data obtained:

  • Own cookies : These are sent to the user's terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by the publisher and provide the service requested by the user. That is, they are cookies created by the website you are visiting.
  • Third-party cookies : These are sent to the user's terminal equipment from a computer or domain not managed by the publisher, but managed by another organization that processes the data obtained through the cookie. That is, they are cookies created by third parties.

You can also distinguish between session cookies and persistent cookies , depending on how long they have been activated on the user's terminal equipment.

  • Session : Collect and store data while a user is browsing a webpage.
  • Permanent : Even after browsing, the data is still stored on the user's terminal equipment and can be retrieved and processed within a specified period of time (from a few minutes to a few years).

Finally, there is another classification, with four types of cookies, according to the purpose of processing the data obtained: technical cookies, priority and personalization cookies, analytical cookies and behavioral advertising cookies .

  • Technical cookies : These are cookies that are necessary to navigate the website, as they help the user to use its features or tools, such as identifying the session, accessing restricted access parts, storing video or sound content, setting the language, etc. other. Disabling these cookies prevents certain features of the website from functioning properly.
  • Priority and personalization cookies : These allow users to remember the information they access to the service with certain features, which make it possible to differentiate their experience from the experience of other users. For example, language, the number of results to be displayed when the user performs a search, the appearance or content of the service, the type of browser used to access the service, or the region in which the service is accessed, and so on.
  • Analytical cookies : These are cookies that allow the person in charge of the cookie to monitor and analyze the behavior of the users of the linked websites. The information collected through this type of cookie is used to measure the activity of the website and to create user browsing profiles in order to include improvements based on the analysis of usage data made by users of the service.

Finally, web analytics provides information on the number of users accessing the website, the number of pages viewed, the frequency and repetition of visits, the duration, the browser used, the service provider, the language, the terminal used, or the IP address assigned. city. Thanks to this information, this website offers a better and more appropriate service.

  • Behavioral advertising cookies : These are cookies that store information about user behavior that is obtained by constantly observing their browsing habits. This allows us to develop a specific profile to show advertising according to it. These cookies obtain information about the user's browsing, manage advertising spaces and provide quality content to the user by analyzing their tastes and preferences.

Types of cookies used on this website

  1. Technical cookies
    The name of the cookie The purpose of the cookie Type Supplier Duration
    has_js To control whether the browser uses Javascript. Technical cookie Of the organization itself Session
    cookie-agreed Visitors have accepted cookies. Technical cookie Of the organization itself Permanent (3 months)
  2. Analytical cookies
    The name of the cookie The purpose of the cookie Type Supplier Duration
    _gid To differentiate users. Analytical cookie Google (Google Analytics) Permanent (24 hours)
    _ga A single visit has a monitoring function. The first time the user accesses the website through a browser, this cookie will be installed. When this user re-enters the network with the same browser, the cookie will be considered by the same user. Only if the user changes the browser will they understand if there is another user. Analytical cookie Google (Google Analytics) Permanent (2 years)
    _gat To limit the percentage of requests. Analytical cookie Google (Google Analytics) 1 minute

Allow and configure cookies;

If you do not agree that the cookies described may contain the information mentioned, you can refuse their installation in the settings panel of the website. This panel can be accessed from the cookie acceptance/configuration window that appears the first time you access the website, and, once configured, from the "Cookie Policy" tab, which remains in the lower right corner of the website. Also, browsers have their own tools to block cookies from different websites in general. In the following links, you can find out how to configure these options in the most common browsers

In the case of mobile devices, it is also common for the browser to have these options in the “settings” section.

Use of additional information and rights

This policy may be modified in the cookie in accordance with new legal requirements or in order to adapt the policy to the instructions issued by the control authorities. Therefore, users are encouraged to visit regularly.

If the user wishes to make a query about the cookie policy on the website, they can contact us at the following address:

You can view information about the processing of your personal data in our Privacy Policy .